19 July 2009

processing: Luke's "Our Father" (Luke 11)

As we've been talking at church about gathering and what it means and looks like to gather around Jesus, I've been struck by the Third Evangelist's record of the "Our Father prayer". We're certainly used to the Matthean version, and usually only waiver on whether to say trespasses or debts.

"Father, hallowed be your name.
Your kingdom come.

Give us each day our daily bread,
and forgive us our sins,
for we ourselves forgive everyone who is indebted to us.
and lead us not into temptation."
Luke 11:2-4 (ESV)

Gerhard Lohfink astutely observes in Jesus & Community some of the grammatical and syntactical devices that allow for a translation of the first two lines as: "Father, Sanctify Your Name! (passive 3rd singular), Bring about your Kingdom!" Peterson's The Message paraphrases it as: "Father, Reveal who You are!, Set the world right!" It is with these considerations along with the larger witness of the gospel (especially this gospel aimed toward a Gentile audience and in conjunction with its "sequel", Acts) that we must form our imagination of what it means to be a community that gathers around Christ.

More to come later this week.

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