08 May 2009

praying: Humble Us Through The Violence of Your Love

My recent troop through the used bookstore yielded Dr. Hauerwas' prayer collection, "Prayers Plainly Spoken" at the nice price of $7. These candid, provocative prayers are great starters and intensifiers for reflection.

Gracious God, humble us through the violence of your love so we are able to know and confess our sins. We want our sins to be interesting, but God forgive us, they are so ordinary: envy, hatred, meanness, price, self-centeredness, laziness, boredom, lying, lust, stinginess and so on. You have saved us from "and so on" to be a royal people able to witness to the world that the powers that make us such ordinary sinners have been defeated. So capture our attention with the beauty of your life that the ugliness of sin may be seen as just that- ugly. God, how wonderful it is to be captivated by you. Amen.

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